
Friday, March 4, 2011

Savory Greek Style Veggie Parfait

Apparently I have been in a "parfait" mood lately. Just ask my husband what we talked about at my birthday dinner for 30 minutes; parfaits! At one point of telling him all of my good ideas, I looked up and saw that glazed over look in his eyes.....and started dying laughing! I could not believe that I had been talking about parfaits for like 30 minutes. He's a patient man! :)
Anyways, I was so excited to tell him about my savory parfait idea and that I "google imaged" it and did not see ONE! YEA!! A completely original idea- my heart skipped a beat! So you can imagine my excitement to share the completed recipe with you. I know there is a lot of stuff on the ingredient list, but that's what makes it so yummy.
Savory Greek Style Veggie Parfait

1 6oz container of non-fat, plain Greek yogurt
1/3 C hummus, homemade or store bought
1/3 C bell peppers, chopped (I used red and yellow)
1/3 C cucumber, chopped
1/3 C grape tomatoes, cut in half
1/4 C canned chick peas
Fresh lemon juice, from 1/2 lemon
Pinch of salt
3-4 kalamata olives, chopped
Pine nuts
Chopped mint for garnish

Chop the veggies and squeeze the lemon juice over them; sprinkle with salt and set aside. Layer some yogurt in the bottom of a glass. Then layer some veggies on the yogurt, then the hummus, then some more veggies, then the chick peas. Add the second layer of yogurt then pile the veggies high. Top with olives, pine nuts and mint. Grab a spoon and enjoy!

There are so many cool things you could do with this recipe. I thought about doing some chopped pistachios on the top but decided that would be "going overboard." :)  The hummus in the recipe pretty much takes care of the spice, tahini and garlic flavors that I love. I guess it couldn't hurt to add a little extra of those goodies if you like. I would love to hear your changes!

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