
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Big Fat Greek Nachos

Opa! These were rock star!

My Big Fat Greek Nachos
 I used whole wheat pita chips for the chips, ground lamb for the meat, and feta and farmer's cheese along with several veggies for the toppings.
I had never had this cheese before, but my grocer suggested it. It's wrapped in a cloth and very good! He said it's basically Greek yogurt but aged and strained. It's salty and has great flavor and it crumbles like feta. I was hoping to find a Greek cheese that melted well, but I might have to go to a specialty store for that. Anyways, this stuff was still pretty good!

My Big Fat Greek Nachos
Whole wheat pita chips
1 lb ground lamb
1 small onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp salt
Cucumber, chopped
Cherry tomatoes, chopped
Roasted red peppers, chopped
Feta cheese
Farmer cheese
Kalamata olives, sliced

Heat a medium skillet to medium-high, cook onion and garlic for a few minutes to soften. Add lamb and cook. Set aside. 
There are two ways to do this next part. One is to line a baking sheet with foil, layer the pita chips, meat, veggies and cheese on top and bake for a few minutes. But I'm lazy. Sooooo, the second way is to pile pita chips on a plate, top with meat mixture, then add roasted red peppers, olives and cheese. Heat in microwave for 1 minute and then top with tomatoes and cucumber. 

The farmer cheese actually did get a little melty.
 You could also heat it up after you put the cucumber and tomatoes on there, but I like the hot/cold contrast.

These were a winner. Especially the warm pita chips, yum! I also remembered half way through the plate that I had some hummus, so I piled some of that on there too. :) Are you drooling?

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