
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby Hann Update

I've been one busy lil' momma lately! We have heard the heart beat, seen the baby and are eagerly awaiting our gender reveal appointment next week. I can't believe our little bun is well into the second trimester and I am already 5 months along! Time is flying by but don't feel like you've missed anything. I have been documenting our little one's progress week by week and I came up with my Pregnancy Foodie Project to help keep you in the loop.

You can click on the Pregnancy Foodie Project page link at the top of my blog each week for a little update. It's hard to imagine that Baby Hann has grown from the size of a poppy seed to the size of a turnip in just 13 weeks! What a miracle God has given us! I love this journey and can't wait to meet my cowboy or cowgirl, but for now, I'll just have to make due with these updates. Follow allong with me! xoxo


  1. So fun! I was just thinking about you the other day. How have you been feeling!? Glad to hear you heard the heart beat and things are going well.

  2. So exciting! I love this pregnancy foodie project you have put together!

  3. LOVE this project!!! And yes ... so amazing how fast the baby is growing :) Life is amazing, especially watching it grow :)

    Liz @ Southern Charm

  4. I'm pregnant and a food blogger too! So happy to have stumbled on your blog! I host a Blog Hop on Fridays, and one of the hoppers follows you, and thats how I came across your sweet site! I'm on the Lime week (will be 13 weeks on Wednesday!) You should join our blog hop on Fridays! Love the idea with your project, wish I thought of it lol!!!

  5. My dear lady, this is so precious! I'm so pumped for you1
