
Thursday, May 26, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

On Tuesday, I was awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" by Charm Home. What an honor! This is my first blog award and I am ecstatic! Cristi has an awesome design blog and she is truly inspirational! Thank you, Cristi!

So, according to the rules, I have to award 15 other blogs with the same award and pass along the excitement. Since I am still a baby blogger, this was a little tough for me because a lot of these blogs are new to me. However, I do have a few favorites! I have also put a my favorite picture/recipe/idea from each blog. So without further adieu, here they are {in no particular order}.

The Pioneer Woman  (another Okie, yea!!)

Cupcake Fondue {a girl after my own heart!}

Pumpkin Spice Bagels {Love me some pumpkin!} 

The Baker Chick  {She's new too!}

So there you have it! I actually think I'm more excited to GIVE the award that I was to receive it. :) I hope you check out all these other awesome blogs.

Thanks again, Charm Home!


  1. Thank you very much! I am honored :)

  2. YAY!! I'm so excited to check out all of the blogs you listed. Especially the party ones. I love looking at party idea blogs. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! xoxo

  3. Thank you so much! I am honored! I really enjoy your blog! So glad you like the POP tarts!:)

  4. Any time ladies! Cristi, congrats on Chase! He is such a cutie!! :)
