
Monday, July 25, 2011

Blueberry Wheat Pancake Muffins with Cherries and Walnuts

I woke up yesterday morning really wanting to make something for breakfast. Usually during the week, I eat cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, so on the weekends I typically want to do something different. I started looking through my pantry and tried to come up with something creative with all the random things I had. What I came up with was pancake muffins.

 Blueberry Wheat Pancake Muffins with Cherries and Walnuts

It was too easy! I have had this box of Hungry Jack Blueberry Wheat pancake mix for a while so I thought I could do something with it.

I didn't really want to make pancakes, for two reasons, One- I wanted to bake something. Two - when I make pancakes, they are UGLY! :( I need a griddle or something cause they always come out crazy looking. All I know is I didn't feel like failing at something on a relaxing weekend morning. I will practice though.

I promise.

Plus, I had these delicious cherries that I wanted to add. Yeah, they're yummy!
Did you know you can make muffins out of pancake batter? Neither did I!

Blueberry Wheat Pancake Muffins with Cherries and Walnuts
    makes 7 muffins (this can easily be doubled!)
1 C Blueberry Wheat pancake mix (I used Hungry Jack)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 egg, beaten (you will only use 1/2 )*
1/3 C + 3 T milk
2 T + 1 tsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 T 100 % maple syrup
1/3 C chopped cherries
2 T chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and put 7 liners in a muffin pan. In a medium bowl, whisk together the pancake mix, cinnamon and nutmeg. Next pour in half of the egg, the milk, oil, vanilla and syrup. Mix just until combined; do not over mix. Add cherries and walnuts and stir to combine. Fill muffin liners about 2/3 full with batter. Bake for 12-14 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on cooling rack.

* Some of these measurements might seem kind of strange, but it can be hard cooking for two. I added a little of this and a little of that until I felt the batter was just how I wanted it. If you only want a few muffins, use this recipe. For the egg, crack it into a small bowl and beat with a fork. Only pour half of it into the batter, and discard the rest. If you are making 14 muffins, use the whole egg.

These are not cupcakes, they are muffins. They are lightly sweet. So if you think you're going to get a sugar high with these, well, you're not. But guess what they DID taste like? Exactly like pancakes. :)

I had a slight problem naming these muffins. Here were some choices:
Cherry Walnut Pancake Muffins
Wheat Blueberry Cherry Pancake Muffins with Walnuts
Wheat Blueberry Pancake muffins with Cherries and Walnuts
Cherry Walnut Wheat Blueberry Pancake Muffins
Blueberry Wheat Pancake Muffins with Cherries and Walnuts

What do you think? Did I choose the right name?

click to print


  1. I adore muffins! Unfortunately I have a problem stopping at just one... these look like they would hit the spot!

  2. Thanks, Kim!! Who says you have to stop at just one? Hmmm? :)

  3. these look RAD! i had no clue u could make muffins w/ pancake mix!!
