
Monday, November 21, 2011

Chubby Hubby Cookie Pie

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I know. There are no words.
I mean, there are a few. Like peanut butter. Chocolate. Caramel. Pretzels. More chocolate. Cookie. Mmm, pie!

Chubby Hubby Cookie Pie

This really isn't my fault. You see, my work was having this pie cook off last week and well, I have never made a pie before. I got scared! All that flour and and butter, scary! My beautiful grandma, Nanny, has a wonderful pie crust recipe that she graciously shared with me but I just haven't made it yet. I'm sure it's not proper food blogger etiquette to say that you are scared of making something, but I am. So I made this instead.

Have you ever had Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby Ice Cream before? It has fudge covered peanut butter filled pretzels. With extra peanut butter and chocolate. Yeah. This pie is named after that ice cream. Not my hubby. My hubby's not chubby. He's HOT! See?
(This photo was from a friend's wedding last weekend. Congratulations Zach and Stephanie! xoxo)

So, one awesome thing about this pie is going to the grocery store for all of this stuff and looking at the cashier's face. :) That's right. This is going to be a pie when I'm through. Please don't judge.

Chubby Hubby Cookie Pie
      makes 8 slices
1 Oreo crust
12 oz chocolate chip cookie dough
1 C coarsely chopped pretzels
1 C coarsely chopped Reese's peanut butter cups (regular sized, miniatures, or minis)
25 caramels unwrapped (or 1/2 a 14oz bag)
1 T hot water
1/4 C dark chocolate chips, melted

Preheat oven to 350°. Put dough in a bowl and gently stir in pretzels and Reese's cups. 

Spread dough mixture out into Oreo crust. 

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes.

Let this bad boy cool for about one hour. After an hour, melt the caramels in a microwave safe bowl and drizzle it over the whole pie. 

It should look something like this. 

Place it in the fridge for 15 to 30 minutes until the caramel sets. 
Get excited for the next involves chocolate!

Melt dark chocolate chips, then drizzle over the pie.

It's a beautiful thing. Try not to cry.

Pop it back in the fridge, just until the chocolate sets. Like this.

And that' it. Oh, and you might want to serve this with ice cream. Just a suggestion.

Have you seen my bucket list yet? Well, this was on there, and now it's crossed off! Wooo hooo!!

There are several things you could do to adapt this pie. You could make your a homemade Oreo crust. You could use your favorite cookie dough recipe. Swap out the caramel layer for a peanut butter layer. Bake it in a regular pie crust. So many possibilities. 
This would be a great Thanksgiving pie for those people who don't like traditional pumpkin. It's such a great salty and sweet treat!

Oh, by the way. Don't you think this looks like the perfect pinterest picture? :) Come pin with me!

click to print


  1. Wowzers!!! That is one awesome sounding pie!!! I want that for breakfast now instead of the slimfast I just drank:-)

  2. My gosh, it is shameless that I have not tried the ice cream nor have tried this delicious treat! Glad you uncovered this treasure. I will get out from under my rock and try this combo of flavors-sounds heavenly and decadent. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Uh.May.Zing. I am so making this! Yummo!

  4. That looks so delicious! Thanks for making and sharing. Come visit us. We have pumpkin macaroni and cheese on the menu.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Hoooooly cow this looks incredible!!! If I hadn't already bought all the stuff to make my pumpkin cheesecake, I would for sure be making this for Thanksgiving!

  6. You and your husband are so precious!!

    ... and THANKS for sharing this pie! It will be perfect for sharing with my friends' Thanksgiving meal!! That is, if I don't eat it all before I get there ;)

  7. Did you win the cook-off? Surely you must have :) You and your husband make a great looking couple!

    - kareen

  8. Thanks everyone!
    Kareen, thank you, you are sweet! I didn't win. There were two AMAZING apple pies there, they were the winners. Mmmmm, pie. I got a bit of a tummy ache at work that day! ha

  9. Chubby hubby is one of my very favorite ice creams. I love the sweet and salty combo. I've gotta try this!

  10. Where does the T of hot water come in????
