
Monday, November 28, 2011

Cranberry, Pecan and Goat Cheese Quinoa

Pin It Quinoa is such a cool grain. You can add it to dishes to stretch a meal or as a yummy and healthy side dish. This dish is served warm, but I have also used it in this Watermelon Feta Quinoa Salad for a cold dish. 

Cranberry, Pecan and Goat Cheese Quinoa

Quinoa is kind of like rice in that you can add all the things you like to pump up the flavor or nutritional value. These are the goodies I chose.

Cranberry, Pecan and Goat Cheese Quinoa
      serves 8
12oz box of quinoa or 1 3/4 C uncooked
4 C reduced sodium chicken stock, or 32 oz box
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
1/2 C dried cranberries or cherries
1/2 C chopped pecans
4 oz goat cheese
2 T balsamic vinegar

Follow the instructions on the box to cook the quinoa, but replace water with chicken stock. When all the liquid is cooked out and quinoa is cooked, dump it in a large bowl with the onions, goat cheese, cranberries, pecans and balsamic vinegar. 

Mix it all together and serve warm. 

One of the things I liked most about this dish is the salty and sweet mix of the goat cheese and chicken stock with the dried fruit. This dish also re-heats well and the leftovers are great! The goat cheese binds everything together making this a creamy side dish.

click to print


  1. Yea, I may have just drooled all over my computer! This looks so good and it just so happens, I'm craving goat cheese!

    Must. Make. Stat.

  2. This looks so delicious! I love quinoa, and I totally agree, it's so versatile. All the ingredients go so well together, I especially love the cranberries and pecans! Great choices :)

  3. What an awesome combo of ingredients! Love love love!

  4. Well yum. That looks so delicious. Perfect for this time of year. Come visit us. We have pumpkin fried rice to try. And we are also having a great giveaway on Friday. Pop over and register to win a party dress from The Shabby Apple.

  5. There are some food ingredients which I really love and include in my everyday cooking, like nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Good to see your quinoa recipe. I will be making weekend lunch using quinoa, Hope you will stop by. I am becoming a follower of yours and would love if you do the same.

  6. Goat cheese?! Yes please! I love all the ingredients going on here, especially the red onion. I want to make it right now!
