
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tinsley Harper - 18 Months and a Surprise Father's Day Shoot

My dad recently bought an old truck for the farm. Just something to haul stuff in and tool around in and whatever else farmers do in trucks. He pulled up in it and I immediately thought "PHOTO OP!"

You know me, I can make anything a prop. Or at least I like to think so.

Plus, hello! I DO have the cutest model in the world. So that doesn't hurt either. 

Sure, she has food in her mouth half the time,

and when she doesn't have food in her mouth, it looks like she needs a piece of straw in her mouth, 

but she's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen with my own two eyes.

She's got sweet little droopy cheeks like her momma, 

the most beautiful hazel eyes, like her daddy,

and she loves the "Hot Dog Song" from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse more than anything in the world.
{Yes, she is listening to it here!}

So, while my dad was out of town, I snuck the truck and off, dressed little Tinsley up, and did a little photo shoot for him for Father's Day. I made Chris come with us to be my "photo assistant," because I knew there was a good chance that at some point, Tinsley would get cranky and need some lovies. This was so awesome because when he was "calming her down," I was still snapping the camera. And what I got was pure heaven. 

{my favorite one!}

Am I an evil genius or what?! 

So happy Father's Day to my Dad, to Chris and to my father-in-law, Tony. And a very happy 18 months to you, sweet Tinsley Harper! xoxo


  1. BTW, sorry I never sent in my "mug shot Monday" for winning the coffee...I completly forgot about it until I read this blog post!
