
Monday, June 13, 2011

100th Blog Post!

Guess what? This is my 100th blog post! Yep, there's this nifty counter thingy on blogger and it tells you how many post you have done (no, I did not go through and count every single one!)  Pretty cool, huh?

Instead of posting a recipe this time, I thought it might be fun if I told you a little about myself. I know that a lot of you know a LOT about me, but for those of you who don't, I have complied a list of fun facts. 

First and foremost, I am married to the most wonderful man, Chris. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend. He has endured the good, the bad and the ugly of this blog. He has eaten some good meal, and some NOT so good meals! ha He's pretty much amazing and I feel so blessed to get to see his handsome face every day. I love you baby!

I am one of 5 kids. :) Growing up, the house was always a little crazy (probably mostly because of ME), but I wouldn't trade any of that for anything. My siblings are the most special people to me. A week ago I was in Florida for Rachel's high school graduation (she's the one in the middle). I live pretty far away from all of them, but I know I have 4 best friends to lean on when I need them!

I am weirdly obsessed with cowgirl boots! I mean I LOVE them! They just all have so much character. New ones, old ones, black ones, brown ones; it really doesn't matter. 
These are probably my favorite cowboy boots though. Look at the OSU! Go pokes!

My mom and my father-in-law share the same birthday. And it was YESTERDAY!! Happy birthday mom and Tony!!
 My cute mom and dad!
Me and Tony

I have mentioned it before, but I went to Oklahoma State University. Another fun tid-bit about me is that I was a cheerleader there. This is me and my friend, Candace, and little Ayron.

I have a little Maltese puppy named Tucker. He is such a sweet heart......and he lets me dress him up. Poor baby! I know, I'm weird!

Another thing about me is that I hate packing. I don't think I hate anything more that packing. I H.A.T.E. it! I actually can't believe I don't have a picture of a "packing attempt" to go along with this fact. I procrastinate and always throw way too much stuff in a bag at the last second. I think I secretly hope that my mom will come over and do it for me like when I was little. My sister emailed me this a while back. It seemed fitting.

My favorite singer is Gavin Degraw. I love him! A few months ago I was lucky enough to meet him in New York at his bar, The National Underground. My life hasn't been the same since. :) 

Last but not least, my favorite food is cereal. I believe it's its own food group. I do not discriminate; I love it all. With milk, with out milk, healthy, sugary, straight out of the box. It doesn't matter. 
I could eat it for every meal of the day, and I have. I really do think it's my favorite comfort food (weird, I know). What can I say? It just makes me happy. 

Well, that's about it I guess. I hope you are all enjoying this blog as much as I am. I sure am having fun keeping you in the loop of what's happening in my kitchen. 
Cookin' Cowgirl

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congrats on your 100th post! I hope you post some more. I think I already posted around 30 dog blogs already. I better start posting some more to get a 100.
