
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

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"What's old is new again."
                    ~ Robert Englund

Aren't mason jars all the rage right now? :) I think I love things just a little bit more if they are in a cute package. I don't know that mason jars are "cute," but they sure are fun! Because of my obsession with them at the moment, I had to make something yummy just so I post one. Ta da!

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

I love when something I have imagined turns out exactly like I planned. Hubby took one sip and said, "Wow! That tastes exactly like pumpkin pie!" Mission accomplished.

I did have a hard time coming up with the name for this though because it is so thick! Here were my choices:
Pumpkin Pie Thick-y (Weird!)
Pumpkin Pie Shake (Nope, no ice cream)
Pumpkin Pie Malt (Nope, no malt)
You see my dilemma?

So, as you can see, I decided to go with Pumpkin Pie Smoothie (even though I'm not sure it's technically a smoothie). What eves.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
       makes 1 smoothie
6 oz cup of unsweetened apple sauce, frozen
1/2 C pumpkin puree
6 oz fat free vanilla yogurt
1/2 C vanilla almond milk, unsweetened
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 T graham cracker crumbs
Whip cream

Put the apple sauce cup in the blender.

Pour the pumpkin, yogurt, milk and spices in the blender, and blend until smooth. Pour into mason jar (or regular, boring glass). 

Top with gram cracker crumbs. Top with whip cream.

Oh, PS, this baby is super nutritious! You can't see me right now but I'm patting my self on the back. 

This thing was so good, it's crazy! 



Cowgirl Tips: 
If you don't have vanilla yogurt, plain yogurt and a little vanilla extract will work.
I found that the apple sauce, yogurt and pumpkin added enough sugar to the smoothie, but if it's not sweet enough for you, add a little drizzle of honey. 
The reason I did froze the apple sauce is so that it could serve as my ice in the smoothie. No added ice- no watering down the drink! (Frozen apple juice cubes will do the same thing).

click to print recipe


  1. I Think Instead of Vanilla Yogurt...I will Buy some Fresh FROZEN Yogurt From Rita's...Or DQ....And Then I can Call it Pumpkin/Frozen Yogurt :) LOVE LOWFAT VANILLA FROZEN YOGURT!!! :)
