
Monday, November 14, 2011

Cheesy Bacon Grits and Skillet Pork Chops

Last week, Chris and I ate good. I mean really good! My mother, the English major, would say that we ate well. But frankly, she's not here. And she didn't try these grits!

Cheesy Bacon Grits and Skillet Pork Chops

I'm not sure what's come over me lately, but this health promotions major hasn't put anything in the Healthy Kitchen tab in a while. Nope, this Cowgirl has really had a hankerin' for cheesy, hearty food. Don't believe me? Well maybe you missed last week's Cauliflower Gruyere Gratin post.

This meal was equally delicious. A few weeks ago, when my parents-in-law were in Birmingham, they picked up this awesome cheese from Whole Foods. It's Red Leicester, The Red One brand. 

Move over, smoked Gouda! There's a new favorite cheese in town! I would say it is similar in flavor to cheddar, and even though the packaging says it's mild in flavor, to me, there is nothing mild about this cheese. It's full of flavor and oh, so good. Anyways, we ate a block of that in about 1 day, so I had to get another block just for these mean, cheesy girts. 

Cheesy Bacon Grits and Skillet Pork Chops
     serves 4
4 oz bacon
4 C whole milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 C 5-minute grits
1 C shredded Red Leicester cheese
4 pork loin chops
Salt and pepper

Cook bacon in a cast iron skillet or pan. Remove from pan and place on paper towels to drain and cool. Chop into pieces. Drain majority of the fat from skillet, but leave some drippings to cook the pork in.
Sprinkle pork chops with salt and pepper and place two at a time in skillet on medium high heat. Cook on both sides, until cooked through. 

Meanwhile, pour milk into a sauce pot over medium high heat and bring to a boil. Add the salt and grits and whisk frequently. Cook for about 5 minutes, until the grits are soft. Take grits off the heat and stir in the cheese until melted. Stir in the bacon.

Serve grits hot, alone or over pork chops.

I liked the pork, but I could eat a whole mess of the grits by themselves!  They are fluffy and creamy and they would be a great side for lots of dishes. For the small amount of bacon in these, the flavor really comes through. And I already told you how I feel about that cheese. This is a winner, for sure!

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  1. This does inspire-yum! I need to dig around and find those grits in my pantry and get my hands on that fantastic cheese. I will be at
    Central Market and make a note. The way you have prepared this plate sure does make me crave this for dinner. Very creative and delicious-thanks for sharing this one!

  2. Oh, this is right up my alley! I love any meal with a chop right on top! YUM!

  3. Wow! I'm dying to try some real down-south cooking! :)

  4. Oh my gossssssh I want a big bowl of those grits!! The whole meal looks absolutely divine!

  5. Oh - that looks amazing! Being a girl from the South - you are speaking my language!

  6. I agree, I could eat a whole mess of these grits! I love grits and have been thinking of what I can do to spiff them up a bit.

    Perfect! Sounds like this Sunday's breakfast.
