
Friday, November 11, 2011

Pumpkin Recipes!

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, I feel it's my duty to pass along all the yummy, orange, pumpkiny things that I have blogged about over the past year. I've got main dishes, drinks, snacks, appetizers, spreads, desserts, breakfast and spices! He ya go, pumpkin!

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal {two versions}

Pumpkin Patch Cupcakes {pssst, the cupcakes are pumpkin cupcakes!}

And last but not least, I have come up with my very own pumpkin pie spice. This stuff is is several of the recipes. It also makes a great gift or stocking stuffer! 

I hope you give some of these recipes a try! Pumpkin is such a wonderful, healthy food that I really enjoy {all year around!} around the holidays. And as always, give me your feedback. I love hearing from you! 


  1. Those pumpkin ravioli look utterly perfect! :) Wonderful recipe roundup!

  2. Nice line up of links here. The French toast casseroles look amazing-yum. Have a great weekend!

  3. hi! i'm kenrdra [the one who re designed jane deere] i just saw your comment on her blog and wanted to say yes, i do take referrals! I am currently booking projects for december! [just fyi if you are interested!] you can see more info on my site :)

    i love pumpkin this time of year! the pumpkin pie smoothly looks fabulous! might have to go buy a can of pumpkin today! :)

  4. Husband and I just made pumpkin puree for the first time last night and wasn't sure what to make with it.....Now I Know!


    Linda S.

  5. These are all so yummy looking! I especially love the cute little cupcakes.

  6. Love all of these! Especially those little pumpkin patch cupcakes!

  7. Hi Cooking Cowgirl, Stephanie, I am new to your blog and would like to give to you an award, its called "Triple Cute Award" but you need to pass it on to 7 other cute blogs. Stop on over to its on my side bar close to the top (it's little) so copy and paste. Those whoppie pies look like I would like one please. Thanks, Stephanie Andi
